One for All, All for one

15 April 2011

CCA Stand-Down

CCA Stand-Down:
CCA will resume only after your Mid-Year Examinations,therefore today is the last GM.Further updates will be given after Mid-Year Examinations.

Sec 1s Please remember the drills we taught you all today and the timing.
Basic Drills:SQUAD SEDI-A[Check,Bang]

Dressing Drills:SQUAD KE-KANAN -LURUS[One,Check,One;Count from 5 to 1,DIAM!]

Turning Drills:SQUAD KE-KANAN PUSING(Turn to right)[One,Check,One]
SQUAD KE-KIRI PUSING(Turn to left)[One,Check,One]
SQUAD KE-BELANKANG PUSING(180 degrees to your right)[One,Check,One]

Marching Drills:SQUAD HENTAK KAKI CEPAT,HEN-TAK[Lurp,lurp,lurp,right,lurp]

Sec 1s as today is your first training in uniform,I did not give harsh punishment for inappropriate attire.But I hope you all will remember today's punishment and never repeat the same mistake again.If you dont know something,Please ASK,dont keep it in your heart.It will not benefit you at all.And please remember to lock your arms when doing drills and the legs up 90 degree position.I can see all of you trying your best,keep it up!.If you want to do it,then do it well.Dont do for the sake of doing it.And don't worry nobody is perfect from the start,You will be better as time pass.Continue to work hard!xD

Sec 2s I heard from the seniors that you all did a great job for foot-drills today.Keep it up!Continue to work hard and remain this standard and we will definitely clinch an award in competition next year :D Must be confidence in yourself!Because i placed high hopes on you guys (: you all definitely can do better xD.

Lastly,all please take care of your own health.MYE is coming,do your best!We will see each other after MYE.Lets work hard together and let DEYI SJAB SHINE! :D


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