One for All, All for one

31 July 2008

NDP full-dress rehearsal

NDP full-dress REHEARSAL

date: 1 august 08(Fri)
time: 1.45pm-6pm

Report in full-u , bring half-u.
[All badges to be pined & uniform to be ironed.
No excuses are allowed. ]

bring: ice mountain , all necessary accessories.

We shall repeat this for the benefits of some sec ones who doesn't seem to know English & If you insist on not following these rules, you can jolly well enjoy your punishment later on.
  • polish your boots
  • bun ed Ur hair
  • all fringe to be all clipped
  • beret to be seasoned
  • no earrings or necklace allowed

* warning : Attendance is compulsory & pls have ur lunch, drink more water !!!

26 July 2008


30/07/08 NDP rehearsal

time: 1.45 - 6.00 pm
[time may delay so do inform Ur parents abt it.]

Attire: half-u ( corp tee plus uniform skirt )
[no excuses shall be entertained regarding of not wearing the proper attire]

Bring: ice mountain water bottle


for the benefits of the sec ones, heres a reminder of what we mean by the PROPER attire which include all the followings.
  • hair to be all bun ed up
  • for those with short hair, pls wear a hairnet
  • fringe to be all cliped
  • hair accessories must be all black
  • no earrings are allowed , only transparent ear stud
  • beret to be seasoned
  • uniform skirt to be ironed
  • 100% black socks
  • boots to be polished [ dont give us excuses saying you do not know how to polish][ask Ur seniors if you dont know how to polish & bring along Ur kiwi plus cloth]

Please have enough rest before the day of rehearsal & rmb to drink more water. we wouldnt want anyone to fall out and attendance is 100% compulsory unless you are able to provide MC.

* do come back to check on any updates.

-DEYIsjab , one spirit that never dies-

24 July 2008

archery course
time:1.45 pm (15 mins earlier)
attire:pt-kit( corp tee)
bring:ice mountain water bottle


21 July 2008


NDP Rehearsal
date: 23 July08(wed)
time: 1.30pm-6pm , ( report 15 mins earlier)
*time may delay , please do inform Ur parents
attire: half-u (corp tee & uniform skirt)
bring: ice-mountain water bottle

One polish Ur boots
Two hair to be neatly bun ed up
THREE fringe to be all pined
FOUR earrings are not allowed

*Attendance is compulsory !!!

16 July 2008

General meeting
Archery course
date:18 july 2008
time:2.30pm-5.30pm(15mins eariler)
bring ice mountain

*Attendence is compulsory!

09 July 2008

General meeting
archery course
date:11 july 08(fri)
time:2.30pm-5.30pm(15 mins eariler)
bring:ice-mountain water bottle

*Attendence is compulsory

tay yi