To avoid confusion,Please note that the Second CCA day training which falls on every Tuesday had already been approved by the Uniform Group CCA Teacher-In-Charge,Mr Imran,and it will begin with effect after school reopen.Therefore,on 28/6/11,a day before the morning Parade,CCA will resume on that day.As for the timeline and attire,NCO will draft out the GM Plan a week before school reopen.So do not worry so much.
Mr Chang had not give out the parent acknowledgement form for the Second CCA day because this was only approved on the last second day of school.But he will most likely give out the form to all of us when school reopen.Therefore,You got around 1 month to settle your personal timetable to prevent any events such as tuition to clash with Tuesday training after school reopen.
The attendance of this Second GM is also taken into consideration for your promotion and CCA points.In other words,Both Tuesday And Friday Trainings are equally important.All Cadets are expected to be present for both trainings.However,Tuesday training are shorten by 1 hour as compared to Friday training to allow all cadets to have a more flexible timing for their studies.I hope all of you understand that the Tuesday training is implemented as our Corp had really very little training per week as compare to other school's Corp.I believe with sufficient practice,we are also able to achieve excellent result for our Corp for competition and Corp achievement Award.
Thus,lets work hard together and improve our Corp to show others we are capable of producing result.With commitment and the right attitude to improve,we definitely can do it.
With Regards,
CPL Charles
Corp Sergeant Major