One for All, All for one

31 December 2010

Farewell to all Cadets 2010

Dear Cadets,

Mr Chang Seow Kuen will be taking over to be SJAB OIC 2011.

2nd IC will be Mrs Chia. Mr Adrain Chong, Mdm Halimatus and Mr Rajan will be joining the CCA as well. You guys will have 5 teachers to take care of you.

Ms Amelia Oh and I will be joining other CCAs.

It has been my pleasure working with you guys for the past 4 years plus in Deyi SJAB.
Take care.
Happy New Year!
Chow MY

22 December 2010



Title: SJAB flag day
Cadets involved: Sec1-3
Date: 29December 2010
Time: 8am-12pm
Reporting time: 730am @SJAB HQ
Attire: PT kit
**up to you, if you want to bring water bottles/ valuables**
**Things to note: Consent forms would be mailed to your homes. If you did not recieve, you'll be given it on the day itself when you report @HQ. If not coming, please write a parent letter and hand up when school reopens.**

Title: Red Cross Home
Cadets involved: Sec3s only
Date: 29December 2010
Time: 2pm-5pm
Reporting time: 130pm @RedHill Mrt
Teacher-in-charge: Ms Amelia Oh
Attire: PT kit

27 September 2010

Activities in October and November 2010

Dear All,

Please note that there will be no GM in school on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 October 2010 for all Sec 1 to 3 cadets.

Sec 3 cadets must attend CIP at Red Cross Home for the Disabled on:
15 October 2010 - 2.30 p.m. - Ms Amelia Oh i/c
2 November 2010 - 8.45 a.m. - Mdm Chow i/c

Cadets to report directly to home.

24 October 2010 Sunday. SJAB walkathon - Mrs Chia and Mr Chang i/c
Details and consent forms will be released later.

3 November 2010 - SANA course
Time: 8.15 a.m. till 5.30 p.m.
Reporting time and venue: 8.15 a.m. at Sengkang MRT control station
Teacher i/c - Mdm Chow MY

29 December 2010 - SJAB Flag Day and CIP at Red Cross Home for the Disabled
Only Sec 3 cadets involved.
Teacher i/c - Mrs Chia and Ms Amelia Oh
Details and consent forms will be released later.

22 September 2010

General Meeting

Attire: PT- kit
Time:3.15p.m-6.30p.m(report 15mins earlier)
BRING Donation Card

01 September 2010

5 September AGI Yio Chu Kang Stadium

Dear All,

AGI at Yio Chu Kang Stadium
15 Cadets in marching contigent, report at 2.15 p.m.

All other cadets, report at 3 p.m.

Attire: Full uniform with head gear

Please note from now onwards: You are to bring your own water bottle or any suitable bottle for containing plain water. NO need to use Ice mountain bottle.
NCOs, please note this and write water bottle for any further notice.

26 August 2010

General meeting

Attire: PT Kit
Time: 3.30~6.30.
(for the sec 1s, except for muslim students, please reach at 2.15)

Please bring KOTO notes, CPR notes & icemountain :)

24 August 2010

NO AGI rehearsal on 29 August 2010 Sunday

Dear Nominated cadets,

Please note that the AGI Rehearsal on 29 August 2010 Sunday has been CANCELLED.

Have a good rest.

Yours sincerely,
Chow MY

21 August 2010

BFA or AFA CPR re-exam in Deyi Sec- 3 Sep 2010

Dear All,

Glad to see that you put in your best effort in today's BFA/AFA exam

Good job!

However, for those who did not pass CPR or did not have enough time to take CPR.

We have arranged for the officer to visit our school on 3 Sep during training to teach you CPR and conduct the exam again.

Try your best.

20 August 2010

notes for BFA 2010

what you'll be expected to know(theory) :

  • wounds
  • types of bleeding
  • types of burns
  • fracture
  • dislocation
  • degree of burn
  • shock
  • heat exhaustion
  • heatstroke
  • stings

what you'll be expected to know(practical) :

  • arm sling
  • elevation sling
  • choking
  • recovery position
  • head to toe survey (maybe)



  1. contusion (bruise)
  • due to a blunt object
  • eg boxing
  • capillaries bleeding
  • skin may split

2. incised wound

  • due to a sharp object
  • eg pen knife
  • a clean and straight cut
  • vessels may be cut- profuse bleeding

3. laceration

  • tear in skin
  • eg barbed wire, claws, barbed machinery
  • edges irregular
  • tissues more damaged and bruising than incise wound

4. puncture wound

  • wound has a clean cut but rugged opening at the back
  • eg gunshot

5. abrasion( graze)

  • due to sliding fall/ friction burn
  • superficial wound , top of skin scraped off

Quiz for this:

If a gangster was punched on his stomach, what wound is he likely to have?

ans: contusion

If a maniac accidentally stabbed himself, what wound is he likely to have?

ans: puncture wound

Next lesson: Types of Bleeding

  1. arterial bleeding
  2. venous bleeding
  3. capillary bleeding

Arterial bleeding:

  • blood is rapid and profuse
  • bright red blood
  • spurts out

Venous bleeding:

  • blood flows at a steady rate
  • dark red blood
  • gushes profusely

Capillary bleeding:

  • slow ooze
  • slight blood loss
  • usually a bruise is bleeding is into tissues

Quiz for this:

What should you do to reduce the bleeding process?

ans: apply direct pressure

Next lesson: Types of burns

  1. dry burn
  2. scald
  3. electrical burn
  4. cold injury

Dry burn:

  • eg carpet burn
  • usually due to friction


  • eg due to hot vapour/ liquid

Cold injury:

  • eg frostbite/ dry ice/ liquid nitrogen

Electrical burn:

  • due to high/ low voltages
  • low: domestic cable appliances
  • eg charger for phones
  • high: cable for homes
  • eg tv cable (maybe)

Degree of Burn:

  1. 1 degree (superficial burn)
  2. 2 degree (partial thickness burn)
  3. 3 degree (full- thickness burn)

Quiz for this:

How should you help a person whose hand is still stuck in the electrical switch and is still being electricuted?

ans: try pulling him away with a non-metallic material/ dry material

Should you use a toothpaste to relieve the pain of the burn?

Ans: No, this may worsen the burn as toothpaste is sticky

Next lesson (fracture):

Defination of fracture:

It is a partial/complete crack or break in a bone

To recognise it:

pain/ swell/ disformity

*To help casualty who has a fracture, perform arm sling + immobilisation

1. open fracture

a break of bone but skin is still intact. No sign of bone protruding out of skin

2. closed fracture

a break of bone and skin is 'cutted'. Bone is protruding out of skin.

3. Dislocation

its when a bone and joint (eg collar bone) has lost its original position

Quiz for this:

what should you never do to a casualty with dislocation?

ans: you should never try relocating the bone back

Next lesson (shock):

  • may be defined as failure of circulatory system to perfuse tissues of a body
  • may be due to: blood loss/ vessel dilate/ decrease in cardiac output
  • can lead to death if untreated
  • to recognise: restlessness, extreme thirst, rapid shallow breathing, rapid weak pulse, clammy skin

Quiz for this:

What is the cause of shock?

  1. fluid volume loss only
  2. blood vessel dilation only
  3. decreased cardiac output only
  4. all of the above

ans: 4

Next lesson (heat exhaustion):

  • severe tiredness due to loss of body fluid through excessive sweating from strenuous activity


  • heavy sweating
  • cramps in arms, legs
  • headache
  • clammy, pale skin
  • rapid pulse + breathing
  • nausea/ vomitting

how? what should i do? :

  1. help casualty to cool place
  2. lay him down + raise legs
  3. give him water to drink
  4. monitor breathing + pulse

Next lesson (heat stroke):

  • occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature (above 40 degrees celcius)
  • maybe due to high fever/ long heat exposure

how to recognise?

  • headache
  • restlessness
  • hot flushed/ dry skin
  • rapid strong pulse
  • body temperature >4o degrees

what to do?

  1. move casualty to cool place
  2. remove as much outer clothing as possible
  3. cool casualty by wrapping him with a wet sheet and keep it wet till body turns to 38 degrees
  4. if no sheet available, use a fan
  5. after body temperature turns to 38, change towel with a dry one

Last lesson (stings):

  1. insect stings
  2. stings by marine creatures
  3. animal stings

1 insect stings:

  • extract the stings with forceps if possible
  • apply cold compress to relieve pain
  • advise casualty to see a doctor if pain and swelling persists

2. marine creatures:

  • pour vinegar/ sea water to stop stinging cells from releasing venom
  • dust dry powder over affected area. so that stinging cells can stick together
  • brush off powder with a clean pad
  • monitor casualty for breathing

3. animal bites

  • wash wound with soap + water
  • pat wound dry with gauze
  • do dressing
  • seek medical attention

Quiz for this:

Should you use a fluffy/ non-fluffy pad to brush off the powder?

ans: non- fluffy. as the fluff of the fluffy pad may stick onto the skin and worsen the injury.

In addition:

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (aka CPR)

*This post is done based on what i can mostly remember. Hence if you've taken down notes during lesson, thats a good thing.

* Jiayous for tomorrow exam ^^

17 August 2010

18August 2010
First aid lesson~

Attire: School uniform.
Bring all your first aid notes.
Report at 3.30pm :)

15 August 2010

5 September 2010 AGI 3p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Dear All,

Annual General Inspection

Date: 5 September 2010 Sunday
Time: 3 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Attire:Full uniform with head gear
Venue: Yio Chu Kang Stadium

Cadets are to report directly to venue and will be dismissed from venue.

Attendance is compulsory.

12 cadets in the marching contigent may be required to report earlier. Listen to instructions during the rehearsal.

AGI 22 August, 29 August 2010

Dear Cadets,

The following cadets are to attend the Annual General Inspection Marching Contigent.
Venue: Yio Chu Kang Stadium

22 August 2010 Time: 1500 to 1800hrs TIC - Mdm Chen PS
29 August 2010 Time: 1400 to 1800hrs TIC - Mr Chang SK

Cadets to report to venue directly and will be dismissed from venue.
Attire: Full uniform with head gear

1. Sivaneswari
2. Suriani
3. Neil
4. Hong Ying
5. Zancis
6. Celestine
7. Lee Peng
8. Leng Leng
9. Lay Guat
10. Ming Hao
11. Jia Wei
12. Tommy Foo

Attendance is compulsory as it will contribute 4 CAA points to our Corp Achievement Award and it is of ultmost importance.

BFA / AFA exam 21 August 2010 Saturday

Dear All Cadets,

BFA / AFA exam on 21 August 2010

Time: 8 am to 11am.** Note change!

Venue: Mayflower Secondary School

Attire: Corp T-shirt and track pants + covered school shoes

Bring: Money for lunch and snacks or food, water bottle, stationeries (pen and paper), triangular bandage and face shield.
Collect triangular bandage and face shield from Mdm Chow at Mayflower Sec canteen.

Neil, you will take your first aid exam at 1p.m. instead due to your MTL lesson.

Attendance is compulsory

10 August 2010

GM on 13, 20 and 27 August 2010

GM on 13 August 2010
Time: 3.30 to 6.30 p.m.
Venue: 203 Classroom
Attire: Corp t-shirt with long track pants
Bring: Water bottle and stationeries and $1 for payment of Knowledge or Saint John Order Examination

Submit consent forms to Mrs Chia for Trip to National Musuem.
Cadets from Sec 105 and 107 will be excused from going to the National Musuem, but still need to submit consent form. State on consent form that they are attending Geog Learning Journey and not attending SJAB.

GM on 20 August 2010
Time: Report 3.15 p.m. at Foyer. Return by 6 p.m.
Attire: Corp T-shirt and long track pants
Bring: Water bottle, stationeries.
Observe musuem rules at the premises.
Return worksheet at the end of trip to Mr Chang and Mrs Chia

GM on 27 August 2010
Time: 3.30 p.m. till 6 p.m.
Venue: Classroom
Attire: Corp T-shirt and long track pants
Bring: Water bottle and stationeries
Agenda: Lesson on Knowledge of Saint John Order (KOTO)

Lee Peng to collect notes from Mdm Chow and teach KOTO during GM.

All to take KOTO examination at SJAB HQ on 18 September 2010, Saturday.
Report school at 10 a.m.
Transport will be provided. Return school by 12.30 p.m.
Consent form will be issued later.

28 July 2010

30July2010 GM.

Reporting time: 3.30pm (report 15mins earlier)
Attire: PT kit.
Bring your full uniform + all your accessories.
Also, bring your first aid notes!

Remember your ice mountain too :)

14 July 2010

23July GM.

Time: 3.30pm - 6.30pm (report 15mins earlier)
Attire: PT kit.

Remember to bring your ice mountain!
16July GM.

Time: 3.30pm - 6.30pm (report 15mins earlier)
Attire: PT kit.

All sec 3s are reminded to bring first aid notes if you have.

29 June 2010


Wednesday, 30 June 2010

ALL Sec 1 to 5:
Report to foyer at 7.15am with full uniform, don't forget to bring along ice mountain and school uniform to change after recess.

Tmr all Sec 3s must be in full uniform by 7am.

27 June 2010

GM 30 June, 2 July, 9 July 2010

Dear Cadets,

Please be in full uniform for SJAB Day Parade at Parade square by 8.20 a.m. on 30 June 2010.

There will be NO training on 2 July 2010 due to Youth Day celebration.

GM on 9 July 2010. Time 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. All cadets to pack and update first aid kits in SJAB Room, staff room and in Sec 204 class cupboard.
This GM is short as I will be going to HQ for meeting after that and Mr Chang is not in school due to Oral exams.

We have a new SJAB Teacher, Ms Amelia Oh. Will introduce her to you at next GM.

Thank you and welcome back to a new school term.

Chow MY

24 June 2010

28 June training


Report in PT kit. Bring full sjab uniform with all badges pinned and the necessary accessories . Attendance is compulsory.

10 June 2010

LAST UPDATED @ 19th june 2010 [FINAL]

Chief Commissioner Badge Presentation - 26 June 2009 , Saturday

This post only affects people who are involved in the CCBP :

Lim Jin Xuan
Kelvin Goh Liang Zhi
Ong Fang Ting
Ivy Leong Si Ying
Leong Yoke Huei

Event Period: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Attire: Full Brigade Uniform along with boots,tags and badges
Venue: Anglo Chinese School - Independent ( ACSI @ dover road 6 )
Bring Along: Ranks ( just in case ), water bottle ( for thirst )
Note**: Do polish boots & season beret to look smart on the day itself :)

Gather/meeting time: 11:10 A.M
Gather/meeting venue: AMK MRT STATION
Gather/meeting attire: Half Brigade Uniform

How are we getting there from AMK MRT Station:

Onboard Taxi from AMK to ACSI. (25 to 30mins)
Taxi fare : $15 to 16.

-Kelvin Goh Liang Zhi is using his own method to arrive @ ACSI.


- sources from

- From your dear friendly neighbourhood Jinx :)

14 May 2010

NCOC 2010

NCOC 2010

Dates: 22, 23, 29, 30 May and 2 June 2010
Time: 0800 to 1800 hrs
Venue: Mayflower Secondary
Attire: Grey Corp T-shirt or school PE t-shirt and long track pants
Materials: Bring water bottle, writing stationeries and some food items for personal consumption

Teacher i/C 22 and 23 May - Chow MY
29, 30 May and 2 June - Chang Sk

07 May 2010

Public Duty Deyi 30th Anniversary

Time: 8.30 a.m. to 1p.m.
Venue: Deyi School Foyer
Attire: Full uniform with head gear

Cadets on duty:
Hong Ying
Lee Peng
Ying Jie

Attendance is compulsory.

04 May 2010

Sec 1 Orientation+ Heart to Heart + Public Duty

Dear All Cadets,

Please note the following:

Secondary 1 Orientation cum purchase of uniform accessories
Date: 15 May 2010 Saturday
Time:0730 to 1400hrs
Reporting venue: Deyi Secondary School foyer at 0730hrs
Dismissal from Deyi Secondary School foyer at 1400hrs
Venue: SJAB HQ
Attire: Grey Corp T-shirt with school skirt or pants
Things to bring: Water bottle, food item, personal medication, $50 for payment of boots, name tag, uniform cover, shoe polish and cloth.
Cadets to attend: All Sec 1, Charles(Sec 2) and Lee Peng, Neil and Celestine.

Sec 3 cadets will bring the Sec 1 and 2 to purchase uniform accessories as mentioned above after activity at HQ. Then return to HQ to board bus at 1.30 p.m. to go back to Deyi Secondary.

Attendance is compulsory.

Teacher accompanying: Mr Sharizal
Return consent form to Mdm Chow by 13 May 2010, 1.20 p.m.

Sale of Heart to Heart
Date: 17 May 2010
Time: :2.15 to 2.30 p.m.
Venue: Outside staff room
All cadets MUST submit ONE $50 note and THREE $10 notes.

Public Duty for Ultimate Deyian Challenge
Date: 19 May 2010
Time: 7.30 a.m. to 12p.m.
Attire: Grey Corp T-shirt and long track pants
Deyi Secondary School
Kelvin Goh
Tew Lee Peng
Zancis Wong
OIC: Chow MY

Venue: Bishan Park Connector
Goh Yin Jie
Lopes Neil Joseph
OIC: Mr Chang

On 17 May 2010, these cadets will need to pack first aid kits at 2.15 p.m.

Chow MY

18 April 2010


Those who have finished selling their kits,
please make sure that your money is in 1 $50 note, & 3 $10 notes.
if you're done, meet mdm chow on tuesday after school.
2pm @ staff room!

sorry for the late reminder.

Hongying :D

06 April 2010

SJAB Competition Day

♥ 11 April
♥ 7.00am
♥ Rivervale Primary School

For stewards & Helpers:
- Report in half uniform
- Bring along full uniform
- Bring old clothes

For participants:
- Report in full uniform
- Bring old clothes


Full uniform:
- Brigade shirt/blouse
- Brigade pants/cullcocks
- Belt
- Beret
- Boots
- Black socks

Half uniform:
- Grey corp tee
- Brigade pants/cullcocks
- Belt
- Beret
- Boots
- Black socks

Old clothes (must be old & disposable):
For males: Shirt & shorts
For females: Shirt & pants

Meeting time (optional)
- 6.00am
- Amk MRT

03 April 2010

13 and 14 April 2010 Public Duty Roster

Dear Sec 3 Cadets,

Please see below for schedule on Public Duty.

All cadets are to report to Mr Zaman at 2.15p.m. with equipment: 2 first aid kits and 1 stretcher to upload equipment into his car.

Make your own way to the venue and report to him there for Public Duty.

Load all equipment into his car after Public Duty and you will be dismissed from the venue.
Approach any PE teachers such as Mr Wilson Lee, Mr Tan Hwi Kiat if cannot find Mr Zaman.

Attire: Grey Corp T-shirt with long track pants

13 April 2010 3p.m. to 5.15p.m.Venue: Bishan Park Connector (beside Bishan Stadium)
Chan Hong Ying- 307
Tew Lee Peng - 308
Tew Lee Peng - 308
Wong Zancis- 307

14 April 2010 3p.m. to 5.15 p.m. Venue:Bishan Park Connector (beside Bishan Stadium)
Jenjira Poonvasin- 303
Sivaneswari - 303
Lopes Neil Joseph - 303
Goh Yin Jie - 304

Attendance is compulsory.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Mdm Chow May Yen

02 April 2010

Briefing For SJAB Competion 2010

Date: 3 April 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Rivervale Primry School
Reporting Time: 9am
Dismissal Time: 12pm
Attire: Half school uniform ( Sjab grey corp tee and school skirt/ shorts)
Bring: Water Bottle , writing materials, and first aid kit
For those who don't know how to go:
Please meet us @ 825am, Hougang Mrt


30 March 2010

Competition Training:
1 April 2010 (Thursday)
Attire: Half uniform.
Time: 2.30pm to 5pm.

Attendance is compulsory!

Hongying :D

21 March 2010

Weekly Notice!

Competition Training:
25 March 2010
PE attire
Time: 3pm to 6pm.
Neil has asked all members to stay till 6pm to quickly finish the footdrills section.

Pls be reminded again that competition day is on 11 April 2010

General Meeting:
26 March 2010
Sec 2 to 5: Wear half u, Bring full u with ranks, badges and lanyard.
Sec 1: Pt kit
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
The Sec 1 students will take their uniform measurement around 4p.m.
Other cadets who want to make new uniform can take their measurement as well.

26 February 2010

Good Job!

Well Done ppls.

Sec 1, this should be your second or third training. U all improve tremendously. Keep it Up!
Sec 2, It is time to show your true capability. Show the Sec 1 what u can do. Do not lose face. They are catching up with you.
Competition team members: U also did a good job. However, u all can improve. Take note of the pointers that we gave u.

U all can bond together outside, for example going lunch together before SJAB. This will enable u all to know your friends well. This will help in footdrill answer. Of course, this will also helps sometimes later which i do not want to say=P

For non competition members:

  • Use a A5 Exercise book and write the topic on ' what have i learnt today?'
  • Take note of your 90 degrees. If u feel stabilise, this means that most likely u will lock your hands.
  • Next, do the 'lame' dance, take note of how u turn. Then practice the drills. U all need more practice, that all=)
  • Be ready of learning SJAB pledge. i will give u all soon.D= mwahahahaha

For Competition members:

  • First man: Memorise your commands well.
  • Third man: know your timing well.
  • All: Know all footdrills and revise your first aid.

As you all know, there will be NO

competition training, 4 March 2010,

GM, 5 March 2010,

GM, 12 March 2010.

Lastly, hydrate yourself and drink water. Do not forget to study too.^^

PS: Who forgot to bring back their umbrella? If u are the 1, call or inform Neil. If u do not know who this gentleman is, ask around. We will not scold u=)


21 February 2010

Weekly Notice

Competition Training:
25 Feb 2010
Half Sjab U
3pm to 5pm
Attend Punctually
Remember what i say to u all last week, i hope there is no repeat.

General Meeting:
26 Feb 2010
Pt Kit
3.30pm to 6.30pm (15 mins earlier)
Attend punctually.
Remember to bring Ice mountain(600ml)

Public Duty:
Hong Ying,
Leng Leng
to do Soccer PD on 26 Feb 2010 from 2.45 p.m. to 6.45 p.m.
Attire is still PT kit.
Means there will be no GM for u all.


15 February 2010

Weekly Notice

Competition Training
18 Feb 2010
3pm to 5pm
Pe Attire
Those who have remedial which ends at 3.30pm, go for your remedial first. I expect all of u must be present. The NCOs have alot to work to be covered with u.

General Meeting(GM)
19 Feb 2010
3.30pm to 6.30pm(15 mins earlier)
PT Kit(Grey corp tee and black track pants)
Bring: ICE MOUNTAIN bottle(600ml)


06 February 2010

Weekly News=D

Competition Training
10 Feb 2010, Wednesday
PE attire
Latest news of time: 3.45pm to 5.45pm

GM, 12 Feb 2010, Friday, is CANCELED!

Well, this should be good news to all.

Once again, on behalf on the ncos and I, We wish u all a Happy Chinese New Year, for the Chinese=) And happy holidays for the non-Chinese=)

30 January 2010


We got 1st in our talent time competition=D
Good job ppls. Pls also rest well too. Hydrate yourself=)

Upcoming events:

Public Duties:
For the ppls who are going, u should know what to do and when to report.

Thurs Competition training:
Attire: Half-SJAB U
Time: 3pm to 5pm

Fri GM:
Attire: Pt kit
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm

24 January 2010


We're in the finals for talent time!
We just need to add in more songs, props etc. Well done cadets, more than i expected. You guys did a great job!
U all will be performing next saturday on the Zone 3 Presentation day , work hard, do your best in the finals!

Comp team members, there will be training on every thursday starting from (28/01/10) ,
Time should be 2.30 pm - 4.30pm , ( Not confirmed)

Fangting (:

22 January 2010

Wed-27 Jan 2010- Usher for Cluster Meeting
2) Fang Ting
3) Siva
4) Yin Jie
5) Neil
Remember to wear tie.
Report at 1.30pm although it starts at 2pm
End at about 6pm

Thurs Meeting for Competition Teams- 28 Jan 2010
Haha- Yes. Is torture time
2.30pm to 5pm
Pe attire

Next GM-29 Jan 2010

This should be what u all enjoy for=).
Time as usual, 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Rmb to bring water bottle.

CSM signing off~

19 January 2010

Date: 22Jan 2010
Time: 3.30-6.30pm
Attire: Pt-Kit
Bring ice-mountain & report 15mins earlier.
Note: Those who are in the talet time,
pls report 30 mins earlier..
Thank alot (:


08 January 2010

8 Jan 2010

The 4 upcoming events are below.

First Aid Talent Time Competition
Date:24 Jan 2010
Time:9.45am to 12pm
Attire:PT KIT
People involved: Lee Peng, Celestine, Hong Ying, Zancis, Tommy, Kai Yang, Ming Hao, Lay Guat, Leng Leng & Jiawei.

First Aid Amazing Race
Date:30 Jan 2010
Time:8.30am to 12pm
Venue:Yishun Town Sec
Attire:Corp T-shirt & trackpants
Things to bring: Waterbottle
People involved: Neil, Tommy, Leon, Zheng Kang, Suriani, Siva & Yoke Huei.

First Aid Quiz
Date:30 Jan 2010
Venue:Yishun Town Sec
People involved: Jinxuan, Kelvin & Fangting.

Zone 3 Presentation Day
Date:30 Jan 2010
Venue:Yishun Town Sec
Attire: Full-U
All cadets are involved.

Please hand in your consent form to your respective PCs.

09/01/2019 Saturday - CCA orientation

reporting time: 7.15 a.m
Attire: Full brigade Uniform with badges and name tag
Venue: The classroom we occupied as of today (08/01/2010)
Bring along: Water bottle

1. Polish boots
2. Trim fingernails
3. Season beret
4. Present yourself appropriately ( no ear-rings, wear spectacle hooks etc.)
5. Hydrate yourself
6. Sleep by tonight (08/01/2010)
7. Do your best tomorrow! :)

Take care & best of luck. -Jinxuan
Last Edit: Fangting. [For the First aid Quiz. 14/01/10 , 9:13pm .]