what you'll be expected to know(theory) :
- wounds
- types of bleeding
- types of burns
- fracture
- dislocation
- degree of burn
- shock
- heat exhaustion
- heatstroke
- stings
what you'll be expected to know(practical) :
- arm sling
- elevation sling
- choking
- recovery position
- head to toe survey (maybe)
- contusion (bruise)
- due to a blunt object
- eg boxing
- capillaries bleeding
- skin may split
2. incised wound
- due to a sharp object
- eg pen knife
- a clean and straight cut
- vessels may be cut- profuse bleeding
3. laceration
- tear in skin
- eg barbed wire, claws, barbed machinery
- edges irregular
- tissues more damaged and bruising than incise wound
4. puncture wound
- wound has a clean cut but rugged opening at the back
- eg gunshot
5. abrasion( graze)
- due to sliding fall/ friction burn
- superficial wound , top of skin scraped off
Quiz for this:
If a gangster was punched on his stomach, what wound is he likely to have?
ans: contusion
If a maniac accidentally stabbed himself, what wound is he likely to have?
ans: puncture wound
Next lesson: Types of Bleeding
- arterial bleeding
- venous bleeding
- capillary bleeding
Arterial bleeding:
- blood is rapid and profuse
- bright red blood
- spurts out
Venous bleeding:
- blood flows at a steady rate
- dark red blood
- gushes profusely
Capillary bleeding:
- slow ooze
- slight blood loss
- usually a bruise is bleeding is into tissues
Quiz for this:
What should you do to reduce the bleeding process?
ans: apply direct pressure
Next lesson: Types of burns
- dry burn
- scald
- electrical burn
- cold injury
Dry burn:
- eg carpet burn
- usually due to friction
- eg due to hot vapour/ liquid
Cold injury:
- eg frostbite/ dry ice/ liquid nitrogen
Electrical burn:
- due to high/ low voltages
- low: domestic cable appliances
- eg charger for phones
- high: cable for homes
- eg tv cable (maybe)
Degree of Burn:
- 1 degree (superficial burn)
- 2 degree (partial thickness burn)
- 3 degree (full- thickness burn)
Quiz for this:
How should you help a person whose hand is still stuck in the electrical switch and is still being electricuted?
ans: try pulling him away with a non-metallic material/ dry material
Should you use a toothpaste to relieve the pain of the burn?
Ans: No, this may worsen the burn as toothpaste is sticky
Next lesson (fracture):
Defination of fracture:
It is a partial/complete crack or break in a bone
To recognise it:
pain/ swell/ disformity
*To help casualty who has a fracture, perform arm sling + immobilisation
1. open fracture
a break of bone but skin is still intact. No sign of bone protruding out of skin
2. closed fracture
a break of bone and skin is 'cutted'. Bone is protruding out of skin.
3. Dislocation
its when a bone and joint (eg collar bone) has lost its original position
Quiz for this:
what should you never do to a casualty with dislocation?
ans: you should never try relocating the bone back
Next lesson (shock):
- may be defined as failure of circulatory system to perfuse tissues of a body
- may be due to: blood loss/ vessel dilate/ decrease in cardiac output
- can lead to death if untreated
- to recognise: restlessness, extreme thirst, rapid shallow breathing, rapid weak pulse, clammy skin
Quiz for this:
What is the cause of shock?
- fluid volume loss only
- blood vessel dilation only
- decreased cardiac output only
- all of the above
ans: 4
Next lesson (heat exhaustion):
- severe tiredness due to loss of body fluid through excessive sweating from strenuous activity
- heavy sweating
- cramps in arms, legs
- headache
- clammy, pale skin
- rapid pulse + breathing
- nausea/ vomitting
how? what should i do? :
- help casualty to cool place
- lay him down + raise legs
- give him water to drink
- monitor breathing + pulse
Next lesson (heat stroke):
- occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature (above 40 degrees celcius)
- maybe due to high fever/ long heat exposure
how to recognise?
- headache
- restlessness
- hot flushed/ dry skin
- rapid strong pulse
- body temperature >4o degrees
what to do?
- move casualty to cool place
- remove as much outer clothing as possible
- cool casualty by wrapping him with a wet sheet and keep it wet till body turns to 38 degrees
- if no sheet available, use a fan
- after body temperature turns to 38, change towel with a dry one
Last lesson (stings):
- insect stings
- stings by marine creatures
- animal stings
1 insect stings:
- extract the stings with forceps if possible
- apply cold compress to relieve pain
- advise casualty to see a doctor if pain and swelling persists
2. marine creatures:
- pour vinegar/ sea water to stop stinging cells from releasing venom
- dust dry powder over affected area. so that stinging cells can stick together
- brush off powder with a clean pad
- monitor casualty for breathing
3. animal bites
- wash wound with soap + water
- pat wound dry with gauze
- do dressing
- seek medical attention
Quiz for this:
Should you use a fluffy/ non-fluffy pad to brush off the powder?
ans: non- fluffy. as the fluff of the fluffy pad may stick onto the skin and worsen the injury.
In addition:
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (aka CPR)
*This post is done based on what i can mostly remember. Hence if you've taken down notes during lesson, thats a good thing.
* Jiayous for tomorrow exam ^^