One for All, All for one

31 May 2009

3rd June 2009 - NCOC Theory Examinations

Venue: SJAB NHQ (beach road)
Time: 2:00.p.m(BLTC), 3:45p.m(ALTC) to 6.00pm(latest)
Attire: Half SCHOOL Uniform (Grey sjab based T-shirt & school skirt/pants )
Bring along:
1. Writing materials*
2. Foolscap paper*
3. Calculator (optional) [if you need it for tabulating forms]

note*: Please buy all items necessary for the camp before attending the examinations.


meeting time: 1:15p.m
meeting venue: AMK MRT station

Note that we are meeting this early so that we could:
1. Eat lunch
2. Purchase necessary items from the Army Market e.g. 1.2 wooden pole
3. Also , we would not be late for the examinations if any delays crop up.e.g latecomers.

Do read up and go through your notes for the examinations!

For more information on examinations and camp, visit
(notes are expected to be posted by monday. 1st june 2009)

Best wishes!
Jin Xuan :D

30 May 2009

NCOC COURSE DAY 3- 31/05/2009

Venue: Anderson Secondary
Attire: Drill Order [Corps tee (blue)]
Report in: Full-U at 0800h
Bring along: thermometer*, water bottle, newspaper, art materials, Full-U
and PT kit( bring along white shoes and deyi PE shorts )

You can either reach Anderson Secondary by your own OR walk to Anderson with us.
Meeting venue: AMK MRT STATION
Meeting time: 0650h SHARP

1.polish boots.
2.season beret.
3.amend all uniform faults.
4.trim fingernails.
5.settle hair problems.( cut, clip, net) for lunch.
7.Hydrate yourself with PLENTIFUL of water.
8.Have a good rest of 7hrs of UNINTERUPTED sleep.

If you cannot attend the course OR will be late for it , dial the DO hotline. 84388099


28 May 2009

Here to clarify the busstop meetup with cadets.

Alright, i've decided, Those who wants a meet up, will meet fangting & Jermaine at AMK mrt station at 6.30am, then we'll walk to the busstop together and meet ivy.

And please message or call for meetup and confirmation, we'll not be waiting if you're late.

For more enquiries, Please message or call

Fangting : 96490102
Jermaine : 96214397

Calls will not be picked up after 11am , ( Friday Night )
And please take note of the previous post, the dates of courses and GM.

Remember to hydrate yourself with plenty of water, and sleep early the night before.
See you guys in 2 days time. Takecare.

Cheers, fangting -

26 May 2009

Donation Card Minimum $40
Lost, police report compensate for all cadets.

SingMa First Aid Comp 2009 @ Xinmin Sec
8.30am-1.30pm for all Sec 4 cadets
21/6/09 (Sunday)

Heart Saver Course
All Sec 1- 3 cadets are to attend
7.30am at school foyer.

Promotion Day
Full Brigade Uniform
105 classroom, lunch will be provided

First Aid Exam
18/7/09 & 25/7/09
Venue: SJI
All Sec 1-3 cadets are to attend
Sec 1 BFA
Sec 2 Re-exam for BFA
Sec 3 AFA

Post by:Jermaine Lim

25 May 2009

NCOC course Day 2 - (30thMay2009)

Venue : Anderson Secondary School
Time : 8.00am-6.00pm
Meeting time : 6.45am SHARP opposite AMK mrt station's Busstop.
You can go there on your own, and we'll meet you at anderson sec.
Attire : Drill Order
( Cullottes/Pants with GREY deyisjab Based Tee)
  1. Full Brigade Uniform
  2. Season your beret
  3. Girls please remember to bring along you hair accessories, Hairnet & Bun net.
  4. Polish your boots
  5. Remember to bring nametag
  6. Don't forget to bring your water bottle, It don't have to be 1.5litre.
  7. **Thermometer **
  8. Extra money for lunch
  9. Guys who have hair problems, please settle over this week.
  10. Please hydrate yourself with plenty of water! **
  11. At least 7 hours our of uninteruptted sleep

AL please remember to do your MOI work and hand in on time.

And if you cannot make it on time or cannot attend any course day, please remember to call the DO hotline , 84388099

Anything due to the meeting time and courseday, please contact me, Fangting. Or you can contact ivy for the meeting place.

Those who want a meetup at the busstop, kindly message me to confirm, we won't wait for you if you are late, so please be punctual.

If you don't have my numbers, can ask from any of the seniors, for sec 2's you can ask my number from neil, or leepeng. Calls will not be PICKED up after 11.00pm.

Restwell, Hydrate yourself with plenty of water.

See you guys soon (:

Cheerios, -fangting.

23 May 2009

NCOC- COURSE DAY 1 - 24/05/2009

Time : 0630 @ AMK MRT.
Attire: Drill Order. ( Grey SJAB-Based top)
Bring along: Full-U , thermometer, writing materials, notes & 1.5 litre ice mountain water bottle.
DO hotline: 84388099( dial if you are late or unable to attend)

-polish boots
-season beret
-bring along all nessesary items with you
-hydrate yourself by drinking plentiful of water
- have 7 hours of adequate uninterupted sleep before attending the course
- Eat your light breakfast at least 1.5 hours before the course


09 May 2009

Firstly, there is Public Duty for Ultimate Deyian Challenge on 22May 2009.
Only cadets that are shown on the notice board need to do the duty.(Rmb to check ur name)
Must wear PT kit on that day.
Cadets must pack their first aid kit the day before.

Next, no GM on 29 May 2009. GM will resume on 22 June 2009, 23 June 2009 and 24 June 2009. We are attending Heart Saver Course at NYP. Will let you know more details once confirmed with NYP.

Directly copied from Mdm Chow =P

Lastly, Do ur best for the exams.