One for All, All for one

02 July 2005

cOmmeNts AbT SJ dAe...

y0Z... juSt t0 C0mm3nt sOm3tHin Abt SJ dAy.. u gUys r3Alli dId a fAntaStiC jOb.. w3lL dOn3... tHe plEdg3 wAs r3alli lOud And cLeaR.. aLthOugh thEre Ar3 sOmE hIcupPs hEre aNd tHerE beFor3 tHe wHoLe parAdE.. bUt we stIll pAss thrU thOse dIfficult1es.. [applause] hOweVer, thEre are stIll rOom fOr imprOvement... cArry On and sTive foR tH3 bEst... All the best...
*the sec3 are doing a proposal for promotion cum welcome ceremony.. Any suggestions.. pls help them by postin a post or by tellin them...


1 comment:

Raymond said...

How 2 post?